
Sex is a group of biological traits linked to reproduction. This is different, however, from gender. Gender is the set of roles, expectations, and scripts (generally called "norms") that we ascribe to different sexes. Gender is socially constructed—meaning that gender roles appear when humans live in groups—and can vary from culture to culture.

However, every culture has a concept of gender and gender roles. In North America, we have two genders: men and women. Without thinking too hard, we can think of many sentences that stereotypically describe men and women in our culture:

  • 男人是坚忍的。
  • 男人很强大。
  • 男人是努力工作者。
  • 男人是保护者。
  • 女人是温柔的。
  • 女人是被动的。
  • 女人是情绪化的。
  • 女人是母亲。

The idea of "gender conformity" is based on these norms. This idea contends that people with penises are men and they should be stoic, strong, hard workers, and protectors. By the same logic, people with vaginas are women and they should be gentle, passive, emotional, and motherly.


性别角色,尽管现有无论人类押尾学e together, can be oppressive and even harmful. A man can have a gentle and motherly character and be unable to express it because it is too "feminine." A woman can be athletic and stoic and people will call her a "tomboy." Women who dress in a masculine way are often thrown out of women's bathrooms. Men who dress in feminine ways are laughed at, bullied, or worse.



Gender Nonconformity


There are obvious problems with using "nonconformity" as a way to describe people who don't follow gender norms. It implies that conformity is a good and desirable thing, rather than something that harms everyone.

我们中的大多数人something nonconforming about the way we live and express our gender. Some women don't wear makeup but otherwise dress feminine. Some men prefer to be stay-at-home dads.

Living out every gender norm in our culture is an impossible task. However, researchers of gender and gender norms have known for a long time that seeing transgression of gender norms makes people uncomfortable.

People who transgress gender norms are also seen as being lower in social status, not being straight, and having values that are radically different from our own.

This discomfort comes from an ingrained human need to categorize people. And the most essential category we have for classifying humans is gender: is this person a man or a woman? This categorization allows a lot of other judgments to be made: if this person is dangerous, if this person is a potential mate, what this person possibly does for a living, and more.


Transgender People



例如,跨性别妇女经常感到被迫以令人兴奋的女性不一定的方式成为超女性。尽管是变性人的固有性别不合格,但对变性人员甚至更加压力,以非常可见和明显的方式履行其性别认同 - 这是因为它们可以接受“加入”与他们对齐的任何性别认同。以其他方式意味着冒着他们作为男人或一个女人的接受。



On the other hand, cisgender people are allowed much more leeway in their gender presentation. A cisgender woman who doesn't wear makeup may be judged as unkempt or lacking pride in her appearance, but she is not likely to be called "not a real woman."



Non-Binary People

Another issue to address when speaking about gender nonconformity is those who fall under the umbrella of non-binary: agender (who do not identify with any gender), genderfluid (whose gender changes across time), bi+gender (who have more than one gender) and other-gendered (whose gender is not part of the man/woman categories).


Being gender non-binary does not mean not ever performing gender in typical ways. Many non-binary people have more feminine or masculine presentations, while others prefer a gender-neutral appearance. Appearing feminine or masculine does not, however, cancel out their identity as non-binary.

Again, we see cisgenger privilege at play—a cisgender person can make more neutral appearance choices without having their gender identity dismissed, but a non-binary person often faces comments such as "If you prefer feminine clothing, why don't you identify as a woman?"


Gender is flexible and not necessarily related to biology. While the majority of the population has a cisgender identity, there are many who do not. The relaxing of gender roles since the 1960s has allowed a variety of different gender identities to "come out."

These identities have always existed, but social and cultural conditions often made it dangerous to express. Violence and oppression related to gender nonconformity is the most pressing problem related to this issue.

We need to learn that gender is not a prescription for life, but rather a stage where people can experiment and express their authentic self.

Article Sources
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  • 赫尔特GH。Third Sex, Third Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism in Culture and History. New York, NY: Zone Books; 2003.

  • Sirin S, Mccreary D, Mahalik J. Differential Reactions to Men and Women's Gender Role Transgressions: Perceptions of Social Status, Sexual Orientation, and Value Dissimilarity.男子研究杂志. 2004;12(2):119-132. DOI:10.3149/jms.1202.119