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The purpose of an introduction in a psychology paper is to justify the reasons for writing about your topic. Your goal in this section is to introduce the topic to the reader, provide an overview of previous research on the topic, and identify your own假设.





Create a Detailed Outline



Once you are ready to write your introduction, your first task is to provide a brief description of the research question. What is theexperimentor study attempting to demonstrate? What phenomena are you studying? Provide a brief history of your topic and explain how it relates to your current research.


If your paper tackles a controversial subject and is focused on resolving the issue, it is important to summarize both sides of the controversy in a fair and impartial way. Consider how your paper fits in with the relevant research on the topic.

年代ummarize Previous Research

The second task of your introduction is to provide a well-rounded summary of previous research that is relevant to your topic. So, before you begin to write this summary, it is important to research your topic thoroughly.

Finding appropriate sources在成千上万的日记文章中可能是一个艰巨的任务,但有几个步骤可以简化您的研究。如果您已完成研究和保留详细说明的最初步骤,请写下您的介绍将更容易。

It is important to give the reader a good overview of the historical context of the issue you are writing about, but do not feel like you have to provide an exhaustive review of the subject. Focus on hitting the main points, and try to include the most relevant studies. You might describe the findings of previous research and then explain how the current study differs or expands upon earlier research.

Provide Your Hypothesis

Once you have summarized the previous research, explain areas where the research is lacking or potentially flawed. What is missing from previous studies on your topic? What research questions have yet to be answered? Your hypothesis should lead to these questions.

At the end of your introduction, offer your hypothesis and describe what you expected to find in your experiment or study.

Tips for Writing Your Psychology Paper Intro

  1. Use 3x5 inch note cards to write down notes and sources.
  2. 看看专业心理学期刊,了解介绍的例子。万博maxbetx官网登陆
  3. Remember to cite your sources.
  4. 保持工作bibliographywith all of the sources you might use in your final paper. This will make it much easier to prepare your reference section later on.
  5. Use a copy of the APA style manual to ensure that your introduction and references are in properAPA格式.
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