


When I was in junior high, I had a close encounter with drugs. One day a small group of hearing teens invited me to try some "stuff," and they showed it to me. It was white and powdery. I had no idea what it was, but my intuition told me that it was something bad. Looking back, I believe it was cocaine. Fortunately, at the time I had enough sense to say no. In the '70s, they didn't teach me about drugs and what little I knew came from reading.

Drug Education for Deaf Students

有标题和签名视频可用Described and Captioned Media Program在药物滥用子类别下,可以在健康和安全类别中找到。解决聋人学生毒品教育的文章是“毒品虐待抵抗教育(D.A.R.E.):对聋人或听力难的学生的特殊考虑”美国耳聋和康复协会杂志P 9-11,Vol。26,不。2,1992年秋季。

Research on Deafness and Drug Abuse

许多文章已被写入substance abuse在聋哑人中,听到的人。明尼苏达州化学依赖计划在线提供了几篇文章,其中许多有书目。主题包括道德,进入治疗,以及明尼苏达治疗模型的分析。额外的文件包括:

  • Isaacs,Morton J.(1979)。模式drinking在聋子中。American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 6 (4), 463-476.
  • 向聋人或难以听到精神病患者的聋人提供化学依赖处理,美国耳聋和康复协会杂志, p 1-14, vol 27 no 1, summer 1993.
  • 聋人中的药物滥用:概述当前的策略,恢复程序和障碍,美国耳聋和康复协会杂志, vol 22 no 4, April 1989, p 79-85.

Gallaudet University library in Washington, D.C. has the Master's thesis "Alcohol and cigarette use expectancies among deaf and hard-of-hearing participants in a substance abuse treatment program," by Eleanor C. Dunai (2001). Another thesis also on file at Gallaudet University library is "An analysis of variables that impact treatment outcomes of chemically dependent deaf and hard of hearing individuals," by Debra Sue Guthmann-Ternus (1995). Both these may also be available through University Microfilms International.



Treatment Centers

Some treatment centers have added services for deaf substance abusers. A National Directory of Alcohol and Other Drugs Prevention and Treatment Programs Accessible to the Deaf, is available through the Rochester Institute of Technology Substance and Alcohol Intervention Services for the Deaf (SAISD). This downloadable directory can be used by either deaf people seeking help or counselors seeking programs for clients in need.


Some states have substance abuse services for the deaf:

Professional Organizations


Books on Deafness and Drug Abuse


  • Deaf & Sober: Journeys Through Recovery, by Betty G. Miller. (compare prices)
  • 吸毒迹象:美国手语中有一些药物和酒精相关词汇的介绍(比较价格)
  • Counseling the Deaf Substance Abuser(ISBN 096375300),由Frank Lala。可通过Gregory Kassel,MIDAS管理公司,PO Box 610393,San Jose,CA 95161

Education on Deafness and Drug Abuse

Gallaudet University的社会工作系提供了一门课程,“酒精和吸毒:干预策略”。Gallaudet目录中的课程描述读取:

  • This course prepares the student in one of the helping professions to understand the primary issues related to the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs, including narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and marijuana. The impact of drug use on the individual, the family, and society will be examined, including the psychological ramifications of children of alcoholics and drug abusers. Emphasis will be on the development of intervention skills and identifying the person who is abusing chemicals. Knowledge of community resources and programs, with attention given to accessibility to deaf substance abusers, will be covered.


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