The Combination of Domestic Abuse and Alcohol

a woman sitting in a hallway and a man's shadow drinking
Mixmike / Getty Images

统计数据似乎表明酒精和酒精之间有联系drug abuse与家庭暴力有关,但也有研究者质疑因果关系。

If you or a loved one are a victim of domestic violence, contact theNational Domestic Violence Hotlineat1-800-799-7233从训练有素的律师那里得到机密帮助。

For more mental health resources, see our国家热线数据库.


High Rate of Alcohol Use

On the surface, it seems hard to argue with the numbers reported indomestic violence research studies.

根据National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence,司法局的统计数据显示,三分之二的配偶暴力受害者报告说,肇事者曾饮酒。


No Cause-and-Effect Relationship?

但是那些研究家庭虐待动态的人说,没有真正的研究表明酒精中毒和药物滥用会导致家庭暴力domestic violence. Although research indicates that among men who drink heavily, there is a higher rate of assaults resulting in injury, the majority of men classified as high-level drinkers do not abuse their partners. Also, many of the physically abusive incidents occur in the absence of alcohol use.


根据Women's Rural Advocacy Program, no evidence supports a cause-and-effect relationship between the two problems. The relatively high incidence of alcohol abuse among men who batter must be viewed as the overlap of two separate social problems, it claims.

According to The Safety Zone, there is no evidence to suggest酒精的使用or dependence is linked to the other forms of coercive behaviors that are part of the pattern of domestic violence. "Economic control, sexual violence, and intimidation, for example, are often part of a batterer's ongoing pattern of abuse, with little or no identifiable connection to his use of ordependence on alcohol."


Battering is a socially learned behavior, and is not the result of substance abuse or精神病, advocacy groups claim. "Men who batter frequently use alcohol abuse as an excuse for their violence. They attempt to rid themselves of responsibility for the problem by blaming it on the effects of alcohol," they say.

Alcohol does not and cannot make a man abuse a woman, but it is frequently used as an excuse.

Many men drink and do not abuse anyone as a result. On the other hand, many men abuse women when they are sober. It can be easier for some men and for some women to believe that the violence would not have happened if a drink had not been taken.


It's part of the denial process. Alcoholism and battering do share some similar characteristics. Both may be passed from generation to generation, both involve denial or minimization of the problem, both involve isolation of the family.

So,why do batterers do it? How can you tell if you are at risk? If you are in an abusive relationship, what can you do?

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