As you begin to recover from a bout of heavy drinking, and your blood-alcohol content begins to decrease, you regain some of your motor skills—such as those needed to operate a vehicle - faster than you regain the ability to identify and respond to information.
因此,您可能能够进行身体反应 - 例如,另一辆车突然在您的前面停止在您的前面 - 尽可能快地饮酒,但您可能会使不正确的响应 - 例如按下加速器而不是按下加速器而不是按下加速器而不是按下加速器而不是按下加速器而不是休息。
Processing Information
- 刺激识别/感知
- Response selection/cognition
- 响应执行/电机进程
When you areimpaired by alcohol您处理信息的能力会减慢。
Slowing of Information Processing
“鉴于大多数任务需要一些信息处理,并且酒精是最常用的娱乐药物之一,我们觉得更彻底地检查酒精如何disrupts the stream of information processingwas warranted," said Tom A. Schweizer, of Rotman Research Institute in Toronto and first author of the study. "What is not clear from earlier studies is whether this disruption is attributable to a specific slowing of one stage – that is, perceptual, cognitive or motor—or a slowing of all stages within the information-processing stream.
“Also, few studies have looked specifically at the differential effects of alcohol on cognitive functioning during rising and decliningblood alcohol concentrations(BACS),“他说。”这项研究的目标之一是解决认知功能是否像在升起和下降期间的电机运作的行为。“
“The PRP paradigm tests the limits of a person's ability to process information when two tasks are completed in rapid succession," said Schweizer. "PRP refers to the delay in processing the information from a second task stimulus when it closely follows the first task stimulus. Specifically, if alcohol disrupts the cognitive stage of information processing, a greater delay in responding—meaning an increase in reaction time—to the second task should be observed."
The experiment's findings included:
- 在BAC曲线的上升阶段期间,醇组显着误差
- 在BAC曲线的下降阶段继续误差
- 酒精集团的发展rated longer reaction times during rising BACs
- 当BAC下降时,响应时间返回基线水平
Cognitive Skills Recover More Slowly
“Our findings indicate that the motor component of information processing recovers during declining BACs, but it appears that the cognitive effects of the drug linger well after motor performance is back to drug-free levels," said Schweizer. "The reduction in motor impairment as BACs decrease could create the illusion of complete sobriety and prompt the undertaking of activities requiring cognitive processes that are still greatly impaired."
“One could envision a scenario in which the brake lights on the car ahead suddenly come on," he said. "To avoid a collision, a driver must swiftly remove his or her foot from the gas and depress the brake. A driver whose BACs are decreasing may react as swiftly as normal but may respond incorrectly by slamming on the accelerator rather than the brake. The speed of response is the same, but the driver has just made a costly error."
Speed and Accuracy Should Be Tested
Schweizer said this research highlights the importance of measuring both speed and accuracy of cognitive performance when investigating the酒精中毒的影响。
The researchers suggested that drinkers take extra caution when attempting to gauge their own recovery from the effects of acute alcohol intoxication.