巴比妥酸盐是一类源自巴比妥酸的药物,即充当抑郁症to the中枢神经系统。这些药物用作镇静剂或麻醉剂,并有潜力become addictive。它们是有问题的,因为没有良好的治疗方法以逆转巴比妥酸盐过量。
Barbiturates have been used for physician-assisted suicide (in states where such procedures are legal).
德国研究员Adolph Von Baeyer是第一个合成巴比妥酸的酸。Barbital(uronal)是第一个巴比妥酸盐,并于1903年用于医疗目的。巴比妥酸盐经常用于治疗搅拌,焦虑和失眠,但由于过量和滥用的风险,它们对治疗此类症状的用途在不受欢迎。
Legend has it that the drugs' name comes from the date Baeyer and his colleagues made the discovery: They apparently went to celebrate their find at a tavern on the feast day of St. Barbara.
The pharmacological actions of barbiturates include depressing nerve activity in the cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles. These drugs also affect the CNS in several different ways and can produce effects ranging from mild sedation to a coma depending upon the dosage. Low doses of barbiturates can lower anxiety levels and relieve tension, while higher doses can decrease the heart rate and blood pressure.
Barbiturates have some severe drawbacks, including:
- Potentially dangerous interactions with other drugs
- Lack of safety and selectivity
- A tendency to create dependence, tolerance, abuse, and withdrawal
- Lack of effective treatment for overdoses
如果你或者你爱的人是struggling with substance use or addiction, contact theSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline在1-800-662-4357for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.
For more mental health resources, see our国家助理数据库。
- Amobarbital.: Commonly referred to as "sodium amytal," this barbiturate gained a reputation as a truth serum since it proved effective when given to some subjects during interrogation. While it doesn't actually compel people to tell the truth, amobarbital can slow the central nervous system so that concentration becomes more difficult. The theory was that someone asked a question while under the influence of amobarbital would be less likely to be able to think of a false answer, which requires more focus than simply telling the truth.
- Butalbital.:这种短效巴比妥酸盐经常用于治疗偏头痛头痛,通常与乙酰氨基酚,阿司匹林和咖啡因组合。它在品牌名称派生和Fioricet下销售。它也被用作镇静剂和麻醉剂。
- Phenobarbital: This barbiturate was used to treat seizures in young children, due to its effectiveness as an anticonvulsant.它也被用来治疗焦虑,药物戒断(特别是来自其他巴比妥酸盐)和睡眠援助。
- Secobarbital.: Marketed in the U.S. as Seconal beginning in 1934, this drug was a widely-prescribed sleep aid.它是美国医师辅助自杀中最常用的药物。
- 浮动藻属: Used as an anesthetic in animals,以前用于治疗癫痫发作和抽搐的这种药物具有可疑的区别,成为美国在美国处决的优选药物之一。