Therapeutic Drug Levels in Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Woman holding white pills, close-up of hand

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The血液中药物的治疗水平是预期该药物的范围,而不会对患者引起任何严重问题。您的医生可以要求测试以衡量特定药物的数量serum portion of your blood. Your doctor will check those levels against established ranges for that drug to determine if the value is therapeutic or not.

Medication Dosage and Administration

The most important bipolar disorder drugs to be monitored regularly are these threemood stabilizers:

The therapeutic levels of these drugs are dependent upon the half-life of the drugs as determined by the serum blood test. After test results are taken, proper dosage and administration of these mood stabilizers can commence. After your blood test is administered, usually by a phlebotomist in a lab setting, your results will be shared with your doctor who will determine if the amount of medication and the frequency with which you take them should be changed.

The goal is to maintain a "steady state" of drugs in your system, which will give you a therapeutic or effective dose of the medication without causing side effects or otherwise not working.

If your medication dosage is off you could experience symptoms that include mood swings or躁狂剧集,你的精神活性药物意味着预防。

How Long Does It Take to Reach Therapeutic Levels?



As you and your family members work through your diagnosis, be sure to keep track of your medications and have someone equally accountable for you so that you don't miss a dose and render your medication ineffective, or worse risk too much medication in your blood, which could be toxic.

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  • Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia. Therapeutic drug levels.US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. 24 Aug 2009.
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