这Link Between Lithium and Weight Gain

Young woman drinking water in the bedroom
Miguel Sanz / Getty Images

情绪稳定药物锂仍然是治疗的有效支柱躁郁症—but unfortunately, it can cause weight gain. Although the possibility of gaining weight while taking lithium is well known, this side effect does not affect everyone who takes the medication.

根据发表的审查文章,约有25%的人从锂获得锂获得锂Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica在分析所有相关发表的医学研究后,作者报告了在体验这种令人不安的副作用的人中的平均体重增加为10至26磅。

Although the biological mechanisms that lead to lithium-related weight gain are not entirely clear, researchers speculate that several processes are likely involved. Additionally, several factors can influence the likelihood of gaining weight while you're taking lithium.

Timing and Risk Factors

大多数患有双相情感障碍的人服用锂长期以稳定情绪和预防manicanddepressive episode复发。在治疗的前两年时,在服用锂的同时增加体重的风险。如果您在开始服用药物时,您可能会增加这种风险。

Lithium-related weight gain appears to level off after the first two years, although you might also gain weight for other reasons unrelated to the medication.

Additionally, evidence suggests that the risk of lithium-related weight gain could be dose-dependent. This means that the likelihood of weight gain increases along with the amount of lithium in your bloodstream. However, not all research studies have found this relationship, as noted in a study published in 2016 by the国际双相障碍杂志study.



Despite the fact that lithium has been used in the United States for the treatment of treat bipolar disorder since 1970, the mechanisms that provoke weight gain in some people remain unclear. Several theories have been proposed. These processes may work alone or in combination to cause weight gain in people on lithium therapy.

早期开始后体重增加锂治疗could represent regaining pounds that were previously lost unintentionally. This situation might apply if you experienced a manic episode—which can lead to weight loss due to disinterest in eating and increased activity—before starting lithium.

Lithium often triggers increased thirstiness. Quenching your thirst with high-calorie beverages, such as full-calorie soda or fruit juice, is a possible contributor to weight gain. Lithium might also cause sodium and water retention in people who consume a high-salt diet, which can lead to added bodyweight.

Reduced thyroid function, or hypothyroidism,是一种众所周知的长期锂处理潜在并发症。该条件导致降低的代谢速率,这又导致重量增益。

如2013年发表的审查文章所报告,锂锂锂的妇女显着发展甲状腺功能减退症比男性更容易发生甲状腺功能减退症Thyroid Research

其他hormones and brain signaling chemicals that affect hunger, blood sugar regulation, and fat and energy storage might play a role in lithium-related weight gain. As these processes are very complex and regulated at multiple levels in the body, additional research is needed to determine the possible influence of lithium.

When to See a Doctor

Contact your doctor right away if you develop any signs or symptoms that might suggest an underactive thyroid gland such as:

  • 亚当苹果附近的肿块
  • 干毛和/或皮肤
  • Feeling cold most of the time
  • Forgetfulness
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • 未解释的便秘
  • 双手或脚的异常感觉


我们了解您对锂疗法时增加体重的担忧。在你的方面,体重增加是可理解的自我形象,和你的身体和mental well-being.然而,请记住,锂相关的体重增加只发生在服用药物的大约25%的人中。

Additionally, there are several common-sense steps you can take to minimize and perhaps even avoid this side effect, including:

  • 坚持健康的饮食。限制您的高热量,含糖饮料,如苏打水,果汁,含糖咖啡饮料和冰沙。相反,喝低卡路里或无焦饮料以熄灭口渴。柠檬或石灰扭曲,热或冰的凉茶和脱咖啡因咖啡的水是一些健康的选择。
  • Stay physically active。If you're not getting much exercise currently, talk with your doctor about getting started. Remember, anything that gets you up and moving counts as physical activity. Walking is always a good option, but the possibilities are almost limitless.
  • Monitor your weight regularly。If the number on the scale starts creeping up or your clothes feel tighter, talk with your doctor about the next steps. She might recommend consulting with a dietitian to review your current diet, a change in your medications or their dosages, or another strategy.
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Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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