Although most patients use medications as directed, abuse and addiction toprescription drugsare public health problems for many Americans.
However, addiction rarely occurs among those who use medications as prescribed; the risk for瘾存在以除规定的方式以外的方式使用药物时。
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Pain and Opiophobia
How to adequately relieve a patient's suffering while avoiding the potential for that patient to become addicted to pain medication?
Many doctors underprescribe painkillers because they overestimate the potential for patients to become addicted to medications such as morphine and codeine. Although these drugs carry a heightened risk of addiction, research has shown that providers' concerns that patients will become addicted to pain medication are largely unfounded. This fear of prescribing阿片类药物止痛药被称为“珠辱病”。
Most patients who have prescribed opioids for pain, even those undergoing long-term therapy, do not become addicted. The few patients who do develop rapid and marked tolerance for an addiction to opioids usually have a history of psychological problems or prior substance abuse. In fact, studies have shown that the abuse potential of opioid medications is generally low in healthy, nondrug-abusing volunteers. One study found that only 4 out of about 12,000 patients who were given opioids for acute pain became addicted. In a study of 38 chronic pain patients, most of whom received opioids for 4 to 7 years, only 2 became addicted, and both had a history of drug abuse.
The issues of underprescription of opioids and the suffering of millions of patients who don't receive adequate pain relief has led to the development of guidelines for pain treatment.
This may help bring an end to underprescribing, but alternative forms of pain control are still needed.NIDA-funded科学家们继续寻找新的方法来控制rol pain and to develop new pain medications that are effective but don't have the potential for addiction.
- 您有没有觉得需要减少您使用处方药的使用?
- 您是否曾感到令人恼火的是您的朋友或亲人关于您使用处方药的人?
- 您是否曾感到有罪或懊悔地对您使用处方药?
- Have you ever used prescription drugs as a way to "get going" or to "calm down?"
- When visiting the doctor, provide a complete medical history and a description of the reason for the visit to ensure that the doctor understands the complaint and can prescribe appropriate medication.
- 如果医生规定医学,请仔细使用指示,并了解药物可能具有的效果,特别是在前身适应药物的前几天。
- Be aware of potential interactions with other drugs.
- 不要在不咨询医疗保健提供者的情况下增加或减少剂量或减少剂量或突然停止服用药物。
- 永远不要使用另一个人的处方。
Pharmacists play a role in preventing prescription drug misuse and abuse by:
- 解释如何适当地服用药物。
- Providing clear information about the effects the medication may have.
- Providing advice about any possible drug interactions.
Role of Health Care Providers
- Identify prescription drug abuse when it exists.
- 帮助患者认识到这个问题。
- 设定恢复的目标,并在必要时寻求适当的治疗。
Over time, providers should note any rapid increases in the amount of a drug needed — which may indicate the development of tolerance — or frequent requests for refills before the quantity prescribed should have been used. They should also be alert to the fact that those addicted to prescription medications may engage in "doctor shopping," moving from provider to provider in an effort to get multiple prescriptions for the drug they abuse. Preventing or stopping prescription drug abuse is an important part of patient care. However, health care providers shouldnot如果需要,避免处方止痛药。