Quiz for Bipolar Hypomania Episodes

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测验是写成如果你目前经过ncing an episode, but you can also use it for past periods when you suspect hypomania was happening. If that's the case, consider a period of at least 4 days when some symptoms from each group were present every day, for most of the day.

Please note that this is not a formal diagnostic test. The results are intended for your use in talking to a doctor about your mental state.




  • 您是否有能量和/或活动的不寻常增加?
  • Do you feel abnormally happy, even though nothing in your life can account for it? The happiness may have begun with something special, but the happiness has lasted longer than normal.
  • 你的心情异常吗?expans
  • 你没有真正的原因异常烦躁吗?



  • 你有感觉吗?grandiose,或者你的自尊高于正常情况?例如,你觉得你的任务或活动比你周围的所有其他人更好(当你通常不那么觉得)?
  • Do you feel rested after just a few hours of sleep?
  • Are you talking more than usual, or do you frequently feel like you absolutely必须保持谈话
  • 你有没有racing thoughts或者你是非常迅速的,从主题跳到主题(思想飞行)?
  • Are you very easily distracted?
  • 您是否身体焦躁不安,或者您是在冲动上投入项目(例如,凌晨3点左右排空所有壁橱,或者打电话给25位朋友邀请他们到下午的烧烤)?
  • 你是否在没有思考可能的后果的情况下采取愚蠢的风险?或者你肆无忌惮地花钱吗?


  • Are your behaviors causing严肃的生活中的困难(例如,关系或工作或学校的严重问题,你因他们而失去了工作等)?
  • Are you having幻觉, or are youdelusional
  • Have you had to be hospitalized because of your symptoms?

笔记:Any是这个小组的答案规定了卑鄙的;考虑到这一点Bipolar Mania测验反而。



0-1是= 0分
2+是= 1点

0-2是= 0分
3+ Yes = 1 point


In general, 2 points are necessary to be diagnosed as having a hypomanic episode. However, the presence of a number of symptoms in any single group is an indication that you're in need of a mental health evaluation. Your doctor may still conclude that you have bipolar disorder.


  • 你可能会经历mania而不是丑陋。
  • 您可能有一个混合的集。
  • 您可能有另一种精神诊断。

其他Important Factors


  • Did your symptoms begin with the use of an illegal drug? If Yes, a diagnosis of hypomania can't be clearly confirmed, but you should still seek treatment immediately.
  • 在发起抗抑郁药治疗后,您的症状是否开始?如果是,您仍然可能诊断出卑鄙,您还应该立即寻求治疗。

The psychiatric symptoms listed above should always be evaluated by a medical or mental health professional.

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  1. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIHM).躁郁症。Updated Jan. 2020.

  2. Harvard Health Publishing.双相障碍(躁狂抑郁症或躁狂抑郁)。2019年3月发布。