Cathy Cassata
Health, mental health, medical news, inspirational peopleEducation
Dominican UniversityHighlights
- Freelance writer with over 10 years of experience covering topics in health and wellness.
- Published in Healthline, Everyday Health, HuffPost, and more.
As a health writer, I listen to a person’s story for an hour, write about it for four to five hours, and keep it with me for the rest of my life.
For more than 10 years, Cathy Cassata has written stories about health, mental health, medical news and inspiring people. She has interviewed hundreds of experts from a wide range of backgrounds, including physicians, psychologists, sociologists, researchers, and scientists, as well as everyday people about their personal health journeys. With an aptitude for listening to others, asking thought-provoking questions, and writing with empathy and accuracy, Cathy crafts stories worth reading. Read more about her and her workhere.
Cathy holds a BA in English writing and a BA in political science from Dominican University in River Forest, Ill. She also obtained an editing certificate from the University of Chicago.
Verywell Mind Editorial Process
万博手机官网Verywell思维是一个award-winning, trusted, and compassionate online resource that provides the guidance you need to improve your mental health and find balance. We take a human approach to health and wellness content and reach more than 150 million readers annually.
Our editorial team includes writers, editors, and fact checkers who are all focused on making sure our information is clear, accurate, and actually useful so you can make confident choices about your mental health.
Our writers are notable voices in their respective disciplines, including board-certified physicians, therapists, health journalists, and other mental health experts. These individuals are specifically selected for both their extensive knowledge and real-world experience, as well as their ability to communicate complex information in a clear, helpful, and unbiased way.
Our team of qualified and experienced fact checkers provide a critical step in our commitment to content integrity. Fact checkers rigorously review articles for accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. We use only the most current and reputable primary references, including peer-reviewed medical journals, government organizations, academic institutions, and advocacy associations.
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