Can Marijuana Help Your Bipolar Disorder?

Young man smoking weed outside

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Award-winning mental health journalist and author, John McManamy, wrote a thoughtful blog about the implications of医疗大麻作为双极的治疗。认为风险超过了任何可能的好处是合理的,但这个话题肯定值得讨论。

Since both bipolar depression and mania can havepsychotic features, there is some evidence that even medical marijuana use might have negative effects in people with bipolar disorder.


Medical research shows that cannabis use in people withpsychosis与他们的第一个精神病集团的早期年龄相关联。它也与之相关manic symptoms和问题思考。

在一项研究中,使用大麻或减少其首次精神病集团的使用患者在一年内的症状中的症状最大,而且对于从未使用大麻的人和从未使用大麻的人则相比,这两者都是最大的。长期大麻使用may have a negative effect on long-term clinical outcomes for those with bipolar spectrum disorders, as well.

A 2015 study found lower bipolar disorder remission rates for current regular cannabis users (those who used it three times a week or more often) and those who regularly smoke tobacco when compared to people who don't use either substance. That study, which lasted two years, concluded that regular marijuana users who also have bipolar didn't do as well long-term as people who didn't use the drug.

另一项研究看着大麻在具有双相情感障碍的人们对人们使用的短期影响,并得出结论药物与之有关both manic and depressive symptoms。However, that study couldn't find evidence that people with bipolar were using cannabis to self-medicate on a regular basis.

Now, none of these studies prove that cannabis is actually causing these problems in people with bipolar—they just show an association between marijuana use and problems. But you should factor this information into your thinking when deciding whether or not to use cannabis.


All drugs have risks and side effects, and cannabis is no exception.

Substance abusecan be quite prevalent among those with bipolar disorder. People have used alcohol and drugs to try to control their systems in great numbers and may reduce their likelihood of successful treatment of their bipolar as a result.

By using marijuana to self-medicate for bipolar disorder, you run the risk of gaining a second diagnosis in addition to your bipolar diagnosis: substance abuse (Substance use disorder).

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  1. Kim SW,Dodd S,Berk L等人。大麻使用对双极I和SchizoAfcerive病症的长期缓解的影响Psychiatry Investig。2015; 12(3):349-355。DOI:10.4306 / PI.2015.12.3.349

  2. Johnson S, Sheridan Rains L, Marwaha S, et al.随机对照试验的临床和成本效益的临床和成本效益,与惯常的治疗相比,用于减少大麻使用和早期精神病的复发(圈):随机对照试验的研究议定书审判。2016; 17(1):515。DOI:10.1186 / s13063-016-1620-x

  3. Tyler E, Jones S, Black N, Carter LA, Barrowclough C.The relationship between bipolar disorder and cannabis use in daily life: An experience sampling studyPLoS ONE。2015;10(3):e0118916. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0118916