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Borderline personality disorder (BPD)这是一个有争议的诊断,因为1980年精神障碍诊断和统计手册首次认可。仍未解决的争议是BPD是否与双相情感障碍有关,因为它们具有许多类似的症状。


The primary reason that some experts have proposed that BPD and bipolar disorder may be related is that they share the common feature of mood instability.

Bipolar disorder is associated with mood shifts from depression to mania, a mood characterized by elation, a decreased need for sleep and an increase in activity, orhypomania, which is similar to mania but less severe.


冲动的行为is also frequently experienced both by people with bipolar disorder and by people with BPD.



  • 质量:虽然疾病的特征在于情绪变化,但情绪变化的质量可能非常不同。患有双相情感障碍的人往往会体验躁狂症和抑郁症,而BPD的人体验剧烈情绪痛苦和空虚感,绝望,愤怒,绝望和孤独。
  • 时间:在BPD中,情绪变化往往更短暂。他们一次只能持续几个小时。相比之下,双相情感障碍的情绪变化往往持续数天甚至几周。
  • Cause:Mood shifts in BPD are usually in reaction to an environmental stressor, such as an argument with a loved one, whereas mood shifts in bipolar disorder may occur out-of-the-blue.
  • Degree:The mood shifts typical of BPD rarely involve elation. Usually, the shift is from feeling upset to feeling OK, not from feeling bad to feeling a high or elevated mood, which is more typical of bipolar disorder.

Are Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder Related?



Another study looked at people diagnosed with both BPD and bipolar disorder within a 10-year timeframe. The results showed that the disorders appear to be completely independent. The study's authors stressed that it's extremely important to treat each disorder individually for the best chance of symptom relief.

The Bottom Line


此外,BPD和双相障碍的共同发生不足以表明两种疾病是相关的。但是,在本主题需要更多的研究。例如,可能是未来的研究,例如the genetic and biological causes of BPD和双相情感障碍,可以揭示两个条件之间的一些未被发现的关系。

Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • 美国精神病学协会精神障碍,第4届,文本修订的诊断和统计手册。华盛顿特区,作者,2000年。
  • Gunderson,J.G.,Stout,R.L.,Shea,M.T.等。al。“邻近人格障碍和情绪障碍的相互作用超过10年。”临床精神病学杂志75 (8), 2014.
  • Gunderson Jg,Weingberg I,Daversa Mt,Kueppenbender KD等。“对边界人格障碍和双相障碍关系的描述性和纵向观察。”American Journal of Psychiatry,163:1173-1179,2006。
  • 巴黎,J。“边界或双极?将边缘人格障碍与双极谱紊乱区分。”哈佛精神病学审查,12:140-145,2004。