根据Sophocles,俄狄浦斯国王杀死了他的父亲,与他的母亲发生性关系。然而,直到几年后,俄狄浦斯发现他抱怨帕特里德和最初不知道他的父亲是他的父亲,他的母亲是他的母亲。后俄狄浦斯found out what he did, he struck out his own eyes. Oedipus's reason for self-blinding involved guilt and was allegorical: He was initially blind to the atrocious acts that he committed.
As you can probably imagine, few surgeons are keen on interfering with organs or limbs without disease. However, BIID is a complex problem, and some experts advocate for radical surgery as effective treatment.
In the late 1700s, a French surgeon was forced at gunpoint to amputate a man's healthy limb. After the surgery, the man sent the surgeon payment and a letter of gratitude claiming that the surgery made him feel better.
In 2000, the public found out that a Scottish surgeon named Robert Smith had performed leg amputations on two patients with seemingly normal limbs. When the CEO of Smith's hospital figured out what Smith had done, Smith was forbidden to perform any more amputations. However, in the wake of these amputations, the debate concerning healthy amputation and other seemingly "unnecessary" and debilitating surgery gathered steam.
In 2015, a 30-year-old woman named宝石晃动让她的心理学家让她的心理学家将流失清洁剂倒入她的眼中,以便她能够实现她终身的失明欲望。公平地说,Shuping的债权的可靠性是有争议的;然而,这辅助致盲的账户再次突出杀菌剂。
People with BIID complain of feeling "overcomplete" and alienated from a body part, such as an eye or a limb. These feelings are lifelong obsessions that result in considerable psychic suffering and trauma.
It's unclear what causes BIID. In some people, issues with body identity or ownership can be traced back to definitive pathology such as a brain tumor. However, in most people with BIID, the etiology or cause of the disease remains to be elucidated.
研究人员谁study BIID观察到疾病的个体的大脑变化。具体而言,Paretal Cortex,Premotor Cortex和Insula似乎涉及。然而,目前尚不清楚这些脑区是否导致杀菌剂或因杀菌剂而发生。
Treatment of BIID
Most surgeons who encounter BIID have an alarmed reaction to the prospect of using radical surgery to treat the illness. These surgeons claim that anybody who wants to amputate a "healthy" limb has mental illness and limited insight that compromises her ability to give informed consent.
Most people with BIID aren't psychotic and don't have delusions. Moreover, the depression that some people with BIID experience develops after living with BIID. It is likely a consequence, not cause, of the condition.
在题为“截肢的身体诚信身份障碍:同意和自由之外,”作者Amy White声称,患有BIID的人决定接受选修手术,以删除身体部位,并不一定被胁迫,无能或不知情;因此,在全面的筛查过程之后,患有杀菌剂的患者可以是激进手术的候选者。
Conversely, in a paper titled "Body Integrity Disorder--Is the Amputation of Healthy Limbs Justified?," author Sabina Müller posits that the cost of radical surgery for BIID is too high, and people who receive it will no longer be able to work and will require lifetime care and rehabilitation.
A Word From Verywell
我们可能从以往研究o很长的路要走ut how to exactly help people who experience BIID. First, research into BIID is low power because very few people have the condition. Much of what we know about BIID is based on anecdotal accounts. Second, BIID likely involves complex neurological processes that we have yet to elucidate; after all, the brain is ineffably complicated. Third, radical surgery for BIID is mired in ethical considerations that further obfuscate our understanding and appreciation of treatment.