关于酸有很多误解,或者lysergic acid(LSD). For example, some claim that LSD can make you a better person or that orange juice can help stop anacid trip. Here, you'll find out the real answers as we debunk five of the most commonly cited myths about LSD.
Myth: Dropping Acid Will Make You a Better Person
Truth: Many people report pleasant experiences on LSD, and even attribute great insights to the drug. Perhaps more importantly, there are many reports of the exact opposite happening. After taking LSD, people have been found to develop mental and emotional difficulties.
In fact, LSD is more likely to alienate you from other people and muddle your mental and emotional understanding than to lead you to a superior level of consciousness.
Myth: A Friend or Guide Can Prevent You From Having a Bad Trip
Well-meaning proponents of LSD have promoted the idea that having a friend or "guide" with you while you are on LSD will prevent you from experiencing a糟糕的旅行. The claim: a grounded, intuitive, andopen-mindedperson can say just the right thing or support you in just the way you need to ensure you have a marvelous time on LSD.
Truth: While having a supportive friend can oftenhelp, even people who have experience with LSD and training in psychotherapy are sometimes unable to prevent others from having a negative reaction to the drug.
Friends can easily be perceived as enemies by someone experiencing paranoia while they are tripping. And there are plenty of examples of people having bad trips while in the company of those who care about them.
Myth: Orange Juice or Vitamin C Will Stop a Trip
Truth:当LSD生效时,你的身体已经代谢了药物。这次旅行实际上是对你的大脑的后疗法, and any improvements felt from drinking orange juice are aplacebo effect, or simply the calming effect on the body from taking a drink.
Myth: Once You Take Acid, It Never Leaves Your Body
Truth: Whileflashbackscan occur after taking LSD, this is not the result of the release of the drug. In fact, LSD is an unstable drug, which breaks down easily and passes through the body quickly.
Many people who take LSD believe that acid unlocks your awareness of your unconscious, giving you access to repressed material from your past and revealing hidden truths about yourself and about humanity.
And just because you have taken LSD and thought about your past, it doesn't mean you know or understand everything that has happened to you.
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