methamphetamine, also known simply as "meth," is a strong stimulant street drug that's highly addictive. The use of methamphetamines can cause serious health issues, including severe and highly visible problems with the mouth and teeth.
In fact, the association between methamphetamine use and dental disease has become so popularized in media that it's been given its own epithet: "meth mouth."
What Is Meth Mouth?
- 6% of older meth users had fewer than 10 teeth
- 23%的人仍然有他们的所有天然牙齿
- 31%的牙齿缺少6个或更多牙齿
- 40%的人承认他们对他们的牙科外观感到尴尬
- 96% had tooth decay
methamphetamine use damages dental health in several ways:
- 毛发主义: Methamphetamine use can lead to the development of bruxism, a condition in which people clench and/or grind their teeth.
- Drug additives: The acidic contents of this drug can also damage teeth. Additives can include battery acid, lantern fuel, antifreeze, hydrochloric acid, drain cleaner, lye, and over-the-counter cold medications containing ephedrine.
- 缺乏牙齿卫生:甲基高可以持续长达12小时,在此期间用户通常不会练习良好的牙科卫生,如刷牙或牙线,这长时间将含糖物质留在牙齿上。
- 不良的饮食习惯:在甲基和经常的影响下在撤离期间,人们经常在牙齿含糖食物和碳酸饮料的渴望,这常常遇到牙齿。
- Xerostomia:兴奋剂用途,包括甲基,也可以导致挠性肌瘤或口干,减少牙齿周围的保护唾液。
But even when practicing good dental hygiene, it's difficult to prevent the dental damage that often occurs with meth use. And while less serious cases of tooth decay can be treated, it can't be reversed.
In fact, using methamphetamine can cause decay to the extent that the teeth cannot be saved and must be pulled instead.
Ultimately, the best course of treatment for someone living with oral disease caused by meth use is to treat the addiction. The dentist may choose to educate patients on the effects of the drug and offer resources such as drug counseling services. Treating meth addiction is usually a long, ongoing process that requires medical detox along with ongoing therapy and social support to prevent a relapse.
The physical appearance "meth mouth" is often shocking, and studies have shown that people who experience it are self-conscious about their appearance.不幸的是,牙科疾病是与甲基苯丙胺使用相关的健康问题之一。
如果您或亲人正在与物质使用或成瘾斗争,请联系Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline在1-800-662-4357for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.
For more mental health resources, see our国家助理数据库。
You also can talk to a doctor, therapist, or参加支持小组。Help is available, but it's important for you to take the first step and ask for it.