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今天吸烟high-potency marijuanaor using synthetic forms of weed can be dangerous during pregnancy. Researchers suggest that it may damage the developing embryo's brain as early as two weeks after conception. For this reason, if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, you might want to avoid smoking pot.


此外,这是fake weed products被称为K2或Spice含有高效的TCH类似物或合成大麻素。这些比THC更有效500至600倍。



Additionally, exposure to high-potency marijuana or synthetic marijuana during pregnancy can lead to:


Quite simply, young smokers are not often aware of these dangers. A sexually active woman may be smoking marijuana or synthetics and not immediately know when she becomes pregnant. Study co-author Dr. Delphine Psychoyos notes, "These psychoactive chemicals have the ability to interfere with the first stages in the formation of the brain of the fetus; this event occurs two weeks after conception, earlier than before signs of pregnancy appear." She says that it may already be too late to prevent the effects of these substances on the unborn child by the time a woman realizes she is pregnant and stops taking them.




Dr. Psychoyos' study is not the only one that has linked prenatal exposure to marijuana and synthetic marijuana to effects on the brain. After various states legalized medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, research has increased significantly into the possible danger of smoking while pregnant.


完后还有研究found that exposure to marijuana and synthetic derivatives (designer drugs) during pregnancy could account for "connectivity deficits during cortical development." In other words, it can cause what researchers termed a "dis-jointed" brain.


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