日常的司机因酒后驾车而被捕the influence, or driving while intoxicated, as law enforcement agencies continue to crack down on these dangerous offenders. For many of these drivers, it will not be their firstDUIoffense.
What fate awaits these醉酒的司机?从你上次检查后,你可能会发现对DUI的处罚已经增加,即使是第一个罪行。由于母亲对醉酒驾驶员(MADD)的群体的努力,全国范围内通过了数百个新的DUI法律。
Stricter Laws and Penalties for DUI
- 所有国家都通过了21个合法饮酒年龄。
- Two-thirds of the states have now passed Administrative License Revocation (ALR) laws, which allow the arresting officer to take the license of drivers who fail or refuse to take a breath test.
- 所有国家都降低了法律blood alcohol concentration(BAC)成年人的限制从.10到.08%。
- 所有国家都通过了Zero Tolerance禁止司机21岁以下的法律在其血液系统中具有任何可测量的酒精。
- 对重复罪犯的处罚增加。许多国家立法机构通过了需要强制监禁的法律重复DUI convictions。
- The fines have gotten larger, the length of license suspension has gotten longer and getting a "hardship" license just to go back and forth to work is getting more difficult.
- A push is on for ignition interlock laws for all convicted drunk drivers, and legislation has passed in several states.
Facing the Consequences
Althoughlaws differ from state to state,被指控的后果增加了。获得律师希望获得减少的判决或恳求减少的费用是许多州的时间和金钱。法官必须施加的罚款是由州法律授权的。在某些州,所以甚至首先违规者可能面临漫长的许可证暂停和监狱的周末。
Many states have passed Habitual Violator laws, which provide felony penalties for three DUI convictions. These offenders lose many of their civil rights, like being able to vote or own a weapon, as well as losing their driver's license permanently or for many, many years.
In order to get that license back, most states now require that offenders complete some form ofDUI school或教育和评估计划,但它比仅在几个小时内坐在课程中涉及得多,并通过书面测试。
In most states, the certified counselor now has the power to adjudicate the offender intoAlcoholics Anonymous或医疗或咨询计划。罪犯不必遵循辅导员概述的指导方针,但这是他将恢复驾驶特权的唯一方式。
基于他对醉酒司机的评估的辅导员可以授权少数为三个或四个AA会议,或者为重复罪犯,90天的会议,或者为期28天residential treatment program, detoxification, or other medical treatment.
All totaled, a DUI conviction can be expensive, especially a second or third offense. The costs can be even greater for those who receive a DUI as the result of a traffic "accident." Drivers who were drinking at the time are finding that the courts are placing more of the liability for damages on them, regardless of the circumstances of the traffic incident.
在所有这些处罚之上,醉酒的驾驶判决可以加强to even greater levels under certain circumstances.
Holding Drivers Responsible
Simply stated, society is trying to emphasize that drinking and driving are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.