How Multiple Sex Partners Shows Teen Risky Behavior

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它可能并不令人惊奇,青少年d young adults who have multiple sexual partners are significantly more likely to develop substance abuse disorders than those who have not had sex with more than one person.



Among these sexually experienced adolescents, 24% reported no sexual partners in the past three months, about 63 percent had one and 13 percent had two or more recent sexual partners.


该研究发现,在短时间内与多个伴侣发生性关系的女孩可能会从事战斗,狂欢饮酒,吸烟等其他风险行为,using cocaine, 要么sniffing glue




Does Drinking Prompt Multiple Partners?

Interestingly, Howard's study found that as the teenage girls grew older they began to limit their sexual partners. Ninth graders reported more recent multiple sexual partner behavior, but the number of sexual partners declined for girls in the 11th and 12th grades.

There is some disagreement among researchers about whether having multiple sexual partners is a factor in the later development of药物滥用疾病, 要么does the substance abuse increase the likelihood of having sex with multiple partners.



在13年的时间内为533年的第533分钟的一项研究发现,酒精使用“是整个青春期各种性伙伴的偏执的领先指标。”但是,没有发现反向模式 - 具有多个性伴侣没有与之相关联增加酒精使用

No Link to Depression or Anxiety

However, a longitudinal New Zealand study examined the relationship between numbers of sex partners over three age periods (18–20, 21–25, and 26–32 years) and diagnoses of anxiety, depression, and substance dependence disorder at 21, 26, and 32 years.


No consistent associations were found with later anxiety ordepression在任何年龄。



  • Sexual risk-taking and substance abuse are common risk-taking behaviors in adolescence and young adulthood.
  • Occasions of substance abuse are opportunities for sexual behavior due to disinhibition and lowered perception of risk.
  • 人们更有可能在饮酒的情况下达到新的性伴侣,并且酒精可以促进多次伙伴。
  • 有多种性伴侣的东西让人们面临着物质虐待障碍的风险。


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