Joel Fuhrman, MD
Nutrition, Natural HealingEducation
University of Pennsylvania School of MedicineHighlights
- Physician specializing in helping patients prevent and reverse disease
- Council member of theTrue Health Initiative
- Best-selling author and creator of multiple PBS specials
- President of theNutritional Research Foundation
Joel Fuhrman, MD, is a former writer for Verywell Mind. Through his medical practice, as well as his New York Times best-selling books and PBS specials, Dr. Fuhrman has helped thousands of people lose weight permanently and reverse chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and chronic pain syndromes, including migraines, using a nutrient-dense, plant-rich eating style that he calls the Nutritarian diet. Dr. Fuhrman is the President of the Nutritional Research Foundation.
An internationally-recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, Dr. Fuhrman is also a health and fitness enthusiast whose athletic background gives him a keen insight into the importance of diet and physical exercise. Before graduating from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Dr. Fuhrman was a world-class figure skater who placed third in the 1976 World Professional Pairs Skating Championship.
Dr. Fuhrman is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
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