The term designer drugs became popular in the 1980s and 1990s as part of the "rave" and "club" scene that took off during those decades. The term "designer drugs" coincided with the rise in popularity of "designer" everything — from clothing to home decor to pharmaceuticals. But designer drugs were not named after designers, rather, they were "designed" to avoid legal safeguards by producing similar effects to those considered too dangerous to be legal.
最初,该术语用于指故意创造的药物,以模仿老年人的滥用药物,而是用略微修饰的化学结构,以规避毒品法。这些药物未经目的,通常在不受控制的秘密实验室中制造,并且在它们的效果中非常危险和无法预测。过去十年的甲基和随后的身体,心理和社会问题的疫情从设计师 - 药物的运动中脱开了。
Over the past few decades, there has been a huge increase in recreational drug use at nightclubs and raves, particularly such designer drugs as ecstasy and amphetamines. Thus, the term "designer drugs" has increasingly become used as a term for "club drugs," which may or may not be designer drugs according to their original meaning. Specifically ecstasy, amphetamines, and hallucinogens, such asLSD.,GHB., ketamine, Rohypnol (date rape drugs) and PCP, are commonly referred to as designer drugs.
设计师药物,以及更常见的药物,如可卡因和meth, have also been an important part of the gay club scene and the party-and-play scene, which has risen in popularity and caused great concern over the past few years.党和戏剧have been associated with deliberate, reckless and inadvertent HIV transmission when participants are under the influence of meth in particular.
The reality of designer drugs is that they are often extremely unpredictable, both in chemical content and in effect.
Buying from adrug dealergives no guarantee that you are receiving the drug you are requesting.
Many poisonings and过量have occurred as a result of poor judgment in the use of illegally acquired drugs and滥用处方药.
设计师药物造成治疗的困难,特别是在初始急性阶段。不知道导致一个人的东西intoxication, it is difficult to correctly administer appropriate medication. Many designer drugs are also addictive.
In recent years, there has been a resurgence of designer drugs sold over the Internet, particularly synthetic versions of Viagra, marijuana and anabolic steroids. These synthetic versions of recognized drugs carry all the risks of the originals and more. And regardless of promises of "legal" highs, law enforcement agencies increasingly are cracking down on drugs marketed as recognized drugs, regardless of actual chemical content.