Are your favorite TV shows格雷的解剖学,E/R,和Scrubs? 或者你就是那个在大学里轻松通过生物和化学的学生,而其他人都在努力获得及格分数。如果你一直梦想着在医疗领域的职业生涯,那是否意味着它适合你?在继续你在医学领域的职业规划之前,这里有几件事需要考虑。
What Is Your Motivation to Pursue a Healthcare Career?
What are you hoping to gain? Do you want to help others? Do you love math and science? Is money motivating you? These are all good reasons that may prompt you to consider a career in health care.
Learn about the degrees, diplomas, and training required for the various medical jobs. Being a doctor or a high-level nurse can be a significant investment of time and money. Be sure you have thought out how to finance the necessary education, and how you will balance that with the time you will need to complete all of the coursework required.
If you want to be a physician but do not have 15 years to devote to school and training,还有很多其他的选择,比如成为一名医生的助理或护士执业医师,这可能不需要那么多年的培训。
If you are still set on a career which requires an expensive degree, plan ahead to save thousands of dollars on your tuition bill, or apply for financial assistance.
你的技能和优点是适合的健康吗care Industry?
If you are a person who loves to learn new things, that will also serve you well as a healthcare professional, because the healthcare field changes constantly with the development of new technology, advanced procedures, emerging treatments, and even new diseases.
What Specific Role Within the Healthcare Field Is Most Suitable for You?
What is your passion? No matter what drives you, there is a role for you in the medical field. You may have already considered being a nurse or a doctor. However, allied health care offers another whole world of opportunity.
Where Do You Want to Work?
In which type of environment would you be most comfortable, and most successful? For example, if hospitals seem too cold or too large, you probably should not be a surgeon or a hospital nurse. If you are easily depressed, you might not want to work in a hospice environment, where patients typically spend their final days. But you could be a nurse in a pediatric office or at a school where you are not dealing with mortality or serious illness on a regular basis.
If you do not enjoy interacting with people, you might be happier working in a lab, or even as a pathologist in a morgue... if you prefer your patients not ask so many questions. Or, have you thought about jobs on a military base, on a cruise ship, or even a submarine?