


Although they aren't yet legal in the U.S., about 100 safe injection sites—controlled healthcare settings where users of非法物质在监督下,可以注入他们向网站带来的药物,接收相关服务 - 现在在一些国家运营。提供的服务可能包括医疗保健,咨询和/或转诊到社会服务drug abuse treatment

安全注射部位也被称为drug consumption rooms (DCRs)安全注射室,and监督注射地点,设施,or中心



In fact, resistance to such an approach has existed in the U.S for a long time. As a result, it was only in 2009 that the federal government withdrew its ban on federal funding for needle exchanges.


  • 艾滋病毒和丙型肝炎的扩散减少
  • Fewer drug-overdose deaths and hospitalizations
  • Improved understanding among users of addiction’s causes and treatment
  • 减少街头犯罪和垃圾,如丢弃的注射器和其他药物用具
  • 用户将进入排毒计划或寻求成瘾治疗的概率增加


Increased national recognition of drug addiction as a public health problem has led to growing acceptance of “harm reduction,” a non-punishing approach to the situation. Harm reduction is based on the belief that, if injection of illegal drugs cannot yet be entirely prevented, it’s at least possible to limit some of its negative impact on users and their communities.

Steps are being taken all around the country to reduce the harm from illegal drug use. They include:

  • 建立针交换,为吸毒者提供无菌针和注射器,无需成本并安全地处理使用的针和注射器
  • 牛头的更广泛的分布,一种逆转过量的药物,向用户和公共卫生和安全人员逆转:100多个NARCAN计划目前正在运营,为30个州规定或使用该药物的人进行法律保护
  • Bathrooms in some social service agencies that are stocked with clean syringes, Narcan, and other aids for safe drug injection
  • 药物辅助治疗,它是使用药物(丁丙诺啡,美沙酮和纳曲酮)与咨询和行为疗法的使用


是否安全注射网站随时会出现oon in the U.S. is open to question. The continued public debate makes it uncertain if drug injection sites will become established in the U.S. In the meantime, healthcare professionals will continue to observe the effects of these programs in places where they are operating, with an eye to whether and how they may benefit society in years to come.

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万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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